Connecting Diet & Health
Dietetics is the science of how nutrition affects our health and covers a wide range of issues, from digestive problems, to allergies, weight gain, or sports nutrition.
The work of dieticians and nutritionists is science based, backed up by their experience of meeting our patients individual needs.
This can be for weight loss and wider health, or the management of diseases. The FODMAP diet for example is beneficial for people with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, or other bowel conditions.
Modern data management is helping to reveal other research based advances within dietetics. They are followed closely by our specialists and discussed with patients when fully proven.
The management of diet is in a sense the greatest medical opportunity we all have, to make the healthy healthier, or to treat unwanted conditions.
Planning and Advice
Our dieticians work directly with you on food selection and individual dietary planning. Helping to create an effective, sustainable approach, to meet a range of needs:
- Digestive diagnosis
- Weight loss
- Weight gain
- IBS support
- Sports nutrition
- Post-bariatric diets
- Allergy treatment
- Eating disorders

Highest standards of care

We accept both insured & self-pay patients
Nutritionist Related Fees
You may be able to use insurance, or self-refer for a consultation with one of our nutritionists, or dieticians. They are qualified health professionals, who assess, diagnose and treat dietary issues.
Initial consultations typically cost £150 to £250. If you feel ongoing support would assist, the cost will be clear and discussed in advance.
The same applies where additional services can help, such as physio in relation to sports nutrition, or weight loss. A variety of medical conditions can warrant input from different departments.
Our nutritional team will focus on your diet, although they also focus on your wider health. Dietary change is about long term success.
If you are interested in booking a dietetics consultation, please fill out the form below, or use the nearby email link, or phone number.
Speak to our team today
Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.
Call us on
01295 252281
Email us