Taking Responsibility
The wellbeing of patients is at the heart of our hospital’s ethos, including our responsibility to safeguard children, or adults at risk of abuse, or neglect.
Alongside supporting their health, the rights of all patients should be protected. Clinical staff need to be aware of child and adult protection needs, all staff should appreciate their role in providing a safe environment.
Working with other agencies to ensure high standards can be important, including those taking a lead on statutory requirements in our region.
Support In Oxfordshire
The primary bodies responsible for safeguarding in our county are;
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board
Our hospital complies with the policies they lay down and supports their operating principles. That safeguarding should be a core requirement and that all agencies should cooperate to identify issues, or improve standards.
Multi Agency Tools
Alongside our own systems, we use multi agency toolkits to assess and record safeguarding concerns. They are designed to help professionals recognise risk and to determine whether any exploitation exists.
Depending on whether the risk is immediate, plausible, or possible, who to speak with and actions to take are covered. Indexes of risk indicators, or vulnerabilities are provided, although judgement of individual situations can still matter.
The tools provide an opportunity to record observations, or evidence, a key part of making professional judgement. Each tool, specifically designed for children, or adults, can also help to support a multi agency approach.
Appropriate Care
High quality care makes a significant contribution to safeguarding patients, along with a requirement to take specific actions.
Individual privacy needs and abilities should be recognised, learning promoted to engage all staff. If concerns are raised, an effective response and appropriate information sharing should follow.
Should anyone have concerns, they can raise them at senior level via Governance@foscote.hospital. Part of ensuring that safeguarding is a priority at our hospital.